Fall Sensory Fun
I didnt appreciate the seasons until I had my children. Its something about having children that gives you a new take on life. As a mom, you experience the joys of things through your child's lens. Im so excited that my youngest is now 1.5 so hes able to do so many things this year that he was unable to do last year. My baby was born at the start of the pandemic so he missed out on his first pictures with Santa, the Easter bunny, family get togethers and the like.
We are planning our first trip to the Pumpkin Patch very soon. Fall season provides so many unique sensory experiences. Take a nature walk and take in the sight and sound of crunchy leaves. Explore pine cones and count acorns. Engage the senses in using fall themed items in your sensory activities. Here's a simple collection of fall themed sensory bin fillers that your kiddo will surely enjoy.
Sensory Rice Fillers
Candy Apple Scented Rice (Learn Play Imagine)
Scarecrow Sensory Bin (Pre-K Pages)
Sensory Recipes
Pumpkin Spice Latte Scented Oobleck (Learn Play Imagine)
Sensory Activities
Apple Sensory Cards (Stirthewonder)
Painting with Nature (Glitter on a Dime)
Sensory Jars
(photo courtesy of Learning Liftoff)
Fall has such unique items such as leaves, pinecones, acorns, cinnamon, etc, that can be used to intrigue your young ones senses. A sensory jar is a great way to teach your child about Fall and their 5 senses. Boil cinnamon and add to a sensory jar. Combine leaves, pinecones, acorns, and fall color loose parts (glass beads, pom poms etc for a sensory experience that involves almost all of the senses. You can use a plastic bottle- they sell great sensory bottles at Micheal's for $2. The article also has 4 other great Fall ideas you can try out. Visit the website to finish reading the article by clicking here.

Pumpkin Washing Sensory Bin

Pumpkin Seed Counting

We took the seeds out of the pumpkin and used them in a counting activity. The pumpkin seeds were too slippery for the tongs to grasp. However, he had plenty of fun trying to pick up the seeds using the tongs. I wrote numbers in the bottom of the ice tray using the dry erase markers. I encouraged him to count and place the seeds in the correct tray section. This activity develops, number sense, fine motor, hand - eye coordination and persistence.
October Activities Calendar

Find activities to do with your child or students at school during the month of October.