Summer Activities

Summer time is upon us. I am way too excited since summer activities are my second favorite (after Christmas) to teach. Children are so excited about playing outside that you can sneak in some learning without them really noticing. My favorite activities are summer sensory play since it can be done outdoors.
These activities can be done in either summer month- May, June, or July. However, I have provided the suggested month you can teach certain themes. Each month, since March, I have provided my subscribers with an activity calendar. The activity calendars are a supplement to your weekly lesson plan and are typically activities you can do as a family. June's activity calendar has an a-z theme. I have 26 activities all beginning with a letter of the alphabet. Activity calendars are created especially for my subscribers so subscriber below to receive your free activity calendar.
Click here to view the a-z activity list and to download the activity calendar. I will also have summer themed FREEBIES printables available in addition to the activity calendars. The summer printables will be updated as they are created. The printables link is located below.