Patriotic Theme
I lived in NJ growing up so I always watched the Macy’s Fireworks in person every year. It was one of my mom’s favorite things to do. I shared in that enjoyment. I could not wait for the time my own son was old enough to enjoy the festivities. These are some of the activities that we decided to try. I wish we had time to try them all. However, we will have to wait until next year. Some of these activities can be done for Memorial Day.
Block Area
Do you have a future architect or Lego fan? Let your child’s imagination run wild and create a replica of the American Flag with these cool Lego Builds.

Independence day is a perfect opportunity for stem activities. Fireworks are the central theme in the following stem activities.
Make your own version of Fizzing Fireworks from Toddler Approved.
Experiment with the properties of Water & Oil Fireworks in this firework theme activity by Juggling with Kids
Stay home and watch a cool firework like display with this Fireworks in a Jar by Beelieve Academy. Young children may not understand the science behind the experiment but will most certainly enjoy watching the colors swirl around. I did this experiment around New Years and my toddler loved it! We actually had to do the demonstration twice!
Read, “The Lonely Firefly by Eric Carle”. Eric Carle writes about a firefly in search of a friend. Discuss the importance of friendship and how we can be good friends to others. After reading the story, create your own Glow in the Dark Fireflies from Reading Confetti.
Patriotic Art
Blueberry painting :July is National Blueberry Month. This is a great time to experience blueberries. Blueberries can be a choking hazard so supervise closely. Cut in half before children consume. Feel, smell and have a blueberry taste test. Use the blueberries in a sensory art masterpiece. Prepare the blueberries by placing them in a bowl with a little water. Cook them for 45 seconds to a minute. Encourage your child to mush them up. Use the blueberry juice.
Sprinkle Fireworks from Reading Confetti
Confetti Pop Fireworks from No Time for Flash Cards
Fireworks Sticky Wall Color Matching (maker, paper, contact paper, pom poms,tape) Draw firework designs onto paper.
Cupcake Liner Fireworks from No Time for Flash Cards
Firework Bubble Sensory Play from Momma’s Fun World
Salt paint fireworks: you will need salt, glue, construction paper, and food coloring. Use glue to outline firework designs onto a piece of construction paper. Sprinkle salt onto the design while the glue is still wet. If you have a squeeze bottle, mix some water with food coloring of your choice onto the salt. Alternatively, you can drop the food coloring directly onto the salt design.
Fireworks in a Sensory Bottle from Rhythms of Play
Q-Tip Fireworks from Sassy Dealz
Toilet paper roll fireworks: (paint, construction paper, scissors, toilet paper roll, plate) Cut a toilet paper roll in half. Make several slits into the toilet paper roll. Slits should be 1 -2 inches long. Place the paint onto a paper plate or other surface. Dip the toilet paper roll into the paint to make a firework design.
Fork Painted Fireworks from Sassy Dealz
Fireworks Crowns from Inner Child Fun
Blow Painted Fireworks: (paint, straw, construction paper) Put paint onto construction paper. Blow gently into the straw to make designs into the paint.
Fireworks Marble Painting from Kids Activities Blog
Fireworks Headband from Craft Bits
Flag in a cup: Add strawberries and blueberries to plain yogurt for a healthy treat. Mix in some applesauce to make the yogurt a little sweeter.

Graham Cracker Flag: Spread vanilla frosting onto a graham cracker. Cut up strawberries and blueberries into halves. Design the strawberries and blueberries onto the graham cracker into a flag design.

Graham Cracker Ice Cream Sandwich: Place ice cream in between 2 pieces of graham crackers. Make sure the ice cream is soft before you place onto the graham crackers. Place the sandwich in plastic wrap and freeze for about 2.5-3 hours.
Bake some cookies from scratch and create your fireworks design with some inspiration Fireworks Cookies from NurtureStore
Ice Cream Social- Have an ice cream party. Set out a variety of toppings and let your child make their own deluxe ice cream!
Other patriotic Activities
Patriotic Activities for Kids by Kids Activities