It can be a challenge planning anything with a baby or babies. I have 2 children under 4 so I totally get it. These are some ideas that you can do to include the babies or at least do while they are napping.

Daddy and Me Picnic- Grab a blanket and some snacks for a special picnic.
Staycation- you don't have to go far to have a good time. Plan a weekend trip out of town or even a day trip to the zoo.
Coffee Break on the deck (or porch)- Its refreshing to get a few minutes of fresh air. Make a fresh pot of coffee and head outdoors. (Make sure you do not leave your children unattended.)
Breakfast in bed - Create a feast of champions with fruit. Head over to Country Living for some ideas. This article has over 40 ideas!!
Go for a stroll- This is perfect for a child who is stroller aged. You can ditch the stroller and just go for a walk with the baby in a carrier as well.
Make a masterpiece (homemade that is)- Homemade gifts are the best. Create some lasting memories by making a card he will treasure.
Movie Night- Prepare some popcorn and dad’s favorite movie to watch with him. If you are fancy, you can buy a projector to watch a movie in the backyard.
Mini Golf- invite dad to play a couple rounds of golf. It's sure to please the golfer enthusiast.
Talent Show- I loved putting on talent shows as a kid. Most children love showcasing a talent so prepare a show just for dad.
Let Dad sleep in- my husband gets up really early for work each day. Those rare mornings when he is able to get some extra Zzz’s are priceless. It is a gift that does not cost anything but packs a great value.