I was a teacher in public and private schools for many years. I enjoy challenging my students and watching their progress over the school year. In the beginning of my career, Ive had a couple of students that required me to consult more veteran teachers. I learned so much from these teachers and they helped me to become the educator I am today. My biggest challenge is my OWN toddler. My oldest son is inquisitive, curious, highly intelligent but EXTREMELY STUBBORN. He loves to learn but on his own terms and on his own time. Yes, during learning time he will tell me, "Not yet." He is almost 3 now (in a week) but he has such a dominant personality. Learning at this age should not be in a traditional school type atmosphere. Of course, years of teaching has taught me this. However, I was encountering some resistance if I set up an invitation to play where I am expecting a specific learning outcome. As a mom, I had the unique advantage to individualize and tailor my approach to suit my toddler. This is the beauty of homeschooling your child: No one knows your child better than you!!! You can figure out unique ways to get your child to pay attention without them even realizing!!!
Learning should be natural, interesting, and consistent. Take advantage of learning opportunities wherever they may arise. Check out the video for some learning inspiration.