We are more than settled into the idea of trying to live a normal life during a pandemic. Last year we did a scavenger hunt in my basement for the boys instead of Trick or Treating as BJ was under a year old and DJ was 2. I will take them to a few houses this year so they can have the experience. My husband and I had done back and forth on the idea of trick or treating. We decided to take them since they started back in group care a few months ago. Although Covid numbers are down we still need to be careful not to cause further spread of the illness. Consider the following tips to have a safe and fun Halloween.
Move the party outdoors

The virus is less likely to spread outdoors versus being in a poorly ventilated room. Practice social distancing and keep a safe distance from others whenever possible. Some organizations host a Trunk or Treat where volunteers dress up their car trunks and pass out candy. Please Note: Do avoid large and crowded Trunk or Treat events as these are high risk events.
Social Distancing

Avoid clusters of people at doorways when trick or treating. Wait until a group has passed before approaching a doorway. I opt for houses that have treats outside in containers than houses where an individual is passing out candy. Avoid touching your face (eyes, nose, mouth) to prevent spread of germs.
Practice Good Hygiene

Keep hand sanitizer handy to use after touching any surfaces. Wash hands whenever possible. Make sure you wash hands before eating any candy. Inspect the candy before eating for any holes, rips or tears. Discard any candy with signs of tampering.
Mask Up

Wear a mask in the midst of any gathering despite indoors or outdoors. Its also flu and cold season so a mask is needed to keep healthy. One option is to choose a costume that naturally comes with a mask (think health professional). A regular costume mask is not sufficient to protect against Covid. Also, do not wear a mask on top of a costume mask as it can limit breathing!!! Choose a 2 ply mask.
Consider Limitations

Visit a few houses on your street or houses of close friends. Avoid crowded events. Consider having a pumpkin carving contest at home or a family Halloween movie night as alternatives.
Stay Home if Sick
Do not go out if you are feeling unwell or think you have Covid. I hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween. Stay safe everyone!