Ive always admired how teachers find such great uses for everyday products. We may be short on money and time but not on innovative ideas!!! Nowadays, social media is more than a way to stay connected to love ones. We use social media to share awesome ideas. Teachers around the world are able to support one another even during a global pandemic. Below are some of the ideas Ive used in my classroom in the past or will be using in my classroom this year.
I apologize that the Beelieve Academy ideas do not have photos. The photos will be coming soon.
Weekly Activities Storage Bins (Beelieve Academy)

Use Windows and Back of Shelves as DIY bulletin boards (Beelieve Academy) I believe that a classroom should have artwork displayed in every single available space. Make sure that displays are eye level to the children. Boards that are not eye level will be hard for your littles to admire.
Storage Bin Lids as Diy Trays for Activities (Beelieve Academy) In my current classroom I had tons of storage lids that were not in use. In the age of COVID- 19, its important to provide individual supplies for each student to cut down on germs. The storage lids are inexpensive and durable.

Use pouch caps as manipulatives (Beelieve Academy) Pouch caps are one of my favorite manipulatives as most of the snacks for young children come in a pouch. We have over 100 in our collection that we saved over the last year- perfect for counting and sorting. It is a hazard for children under 3.
Toothbrush holders as paint brush storage (art_with_msvu)

Create a Positive Classroom Atmosphere with an Affirmation Station (engagingearlylearn)

Create a Book Hospital for your torn books (Beelieve Academy)

DIY Erase Board using Dry erase sleeves (teaching_outside_the_box)

Turn your desk into a dry erase board(ksclassroomkreations)

Glue desk decor to your desk (creatorium_explorium)
Use superglue or hot glue to attach breakable items to your desk for protection.

Add hooks for backpacks (michelle_thecolorfulclassroom)

Handle with Care Classroom Note (luckylittlelearners)

This is one of my personal favorites that I introduced this week to my student's families. I like this idea as it allows a teacher insight into how he/she can be more helpful to an individual student. It provides a background into a child's behavior so a teacher can be more understanding and know how to approach.
Erase storage bag labels (livesthescottcottage)
Get rid of those pesky storage bag labels with nail polish remover. One of those hacks you always wish you knew!!

Use Shaving Cream to erase crayon marks (Beelieve Academy)
Crayon marks are one of the most stubborn substances to remove from tables. Allow shaving cream to sit for a few minutes on the crayon mark. Wipe with a cloth and it will be gone!! You can even get the kids involved by letting them play in the shaving cream. This activity is not recommended for children who put their hands in their mouths.
Homemade Crayons (activityanalysisot)
Broken crayons can be used to make beautiful new crayon shapes.

DIY snack dispenser (thebenderbunch)

Create a DIY doorstop with a $1 pool noodle (teachingmore)

Magazine Rack Paper organizers (love.learning)

Hanging Calendar (letsbefranco)

DIY tongs for fine motor play (7daysofplay)
School supplies expenses can really add up. Create this simple tong tool using craft sticks, clothespin and milk/juice caps.

Create a Sub Survival Kit to have for your substitute (mrshenryinfirst)

Must Have supply apron (anawaitedadventure)

I want one of these YESTERDAY lol
Color code your Glue Sticks (teachingwithmisspeney)
Tired of losing your glue tops? This is the solution.

Create an Invisible Shield (a.bilingual.classroom)

Clothing Rack Anchor Chart Holder (ms.b_yourself)

Never lose another marker top(planethappysmiles)

Use light up button to indicate Mask Break (missgrubersgoobers)

Laminate Multiple Projects in seconds!!! (farrahhenleyeducation)
Put worksheets in laminate sheets and tape together.

Color code your weekly printables (educating.yorkshire)

Stay in touch with your #teachersquad (justpeachyinelementary)

Use a Calming Caddy (lifeas_missmichael)

The Calm Down area is designed to give children a break and not a punishment tool.
Rotate artwork in a flash (lifeas_missmichael)

Classroom voicemeter (crissyclassroomcreations

DIy student desk cupholders (teachersbrain)

No questions taplight (loveforelementary)

Refocus attention with a doorbell (loveforelementary)

Use spice racks as classroom storage (teachingheroes)

Clothing Rack as a place to dry class art (a.learning.moment)

Use a shoe rack to distribute classwork (just.add.glitter)

Mini Whiteboard Eraser Mitts (beingmissausten)

Repurpose pump soap bottles to store paint (twinkl_ireland)

Bingo Dabbers as inexpensive dot markers (earlycorelearning)

Pom Pom Dry Erasers (a_loveforteaching_)

Clothespin Pencil Grippers (ky_khaleesi_kensington)

Use Duct Tape to identify borrowed items (littleroseplace)

Color-code your electronic chargers (jumpinwithmrsj)

Use paint swatches to sort your art supplies (mrs.garsides_classroom)

Pencil Sharpening Station (doubledoseoflearning)
